Ford: Statement on signing of the United States-Mexico-Canada agreement Redacción AMI

In response to the signing of the regional trade agreement between the United States, Mexico and Canada, Ford Motor Company released the following statement, attributable to Joe Hinrichs, executive vice president and president of Global Operations:

“Today’s signing is an important step towards achieving free and fair trade in North America. We look forward to being a collaborative partner to support the ratification of the agreement in all three markets because it will support an integrated, globally competitive automotive business, helping to drive volume and support manufacturing jobs. To achieve the full potential of the trade agreement and to ensure ratification, the elimination of tariffs on steel and aluminum will be critical and we will continue to work with all stakeholders on this important issue.”

La entrada Ford: Statement on signing of the United States-Mexico-Canada agreement se publicó primero en Revista Auto Motores Informa.

from Revista Auto Motores Informa
